5 Countries that Export the Most Tobacco in the World

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In this article, we are going to discuss the 5 countries that export the most tobacco in the world. If you want to check out our detailed analysis of the global tobacco market, the most popular cigarette brand in the world, and the various sustainability initiatives taken by some major players in the tobacco industry, head to 20 Countries that Export the Most Tobacco in the World.

5. China

Tobacco Exports in 2022: $560,738,230

China produces more than two million metric tons of tobacco annually, with around 20 million of the country’s farmers involved in farming the crop and the Yunnan province being the largest tobacco-producing region.

The China National Tobacco Corporation (CNTC) is the world’s largest producer of cigarettes and enjoys a monopoly on tobacco growing, production, and sales, with an estimated 97% market share in the country. A small percentage of CNTC’s products are also sold in the international market.

With over $1.35 billion in imports in 2022, China is also the Country that Imports the Most Tobacco in the World.

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