5 Cheapest Residency or Citizenship by Investment Programs in Europe

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In this article, we discuss the 5 Cheapest Residency or Citizenship by Investment Programs in Europe. If you want to check out our detailed analysis, go directly 10 Cheapest Residency or Citizenship by Investment Programs in Europe.

5. Italy

Minimum Investment: $272,500

Italy, with its historical architectural significance and diverse culinary options, needs no introduction. Boasting the third-largest economy among European countries, it attracts tourists from around the globe, many of whom are interested in relocating permanently. For such individuals, the good news is that Italy’s Residence by Investment Program stands out as one of the most cost-effective residency or citizenship-by-investment programs in Europe.

This investment can be made in three ways: through donation, business investment, and bond investment. Investors have the flexibility to choose between a substantial amount in low-risk investments or a smaller amount in high-risk assets. The most economical option is an outlay of $272,500 in an innovative start-up. The temporary resident permit becomes available as early as 1-2 months, while permanent residency takes about 5 years, and citizenship can be achieved in 10 years.

While Greece has a shorter time period for citizenship and the same minimum investment requirement, Italy’s slightly lower personal income tax rate of 43% tilts our decision to place it one rank higher.

One of the major advantages of Italy’s citizenship status is the freedom to travel and visit 189 places, including Schengen areas and the US, without the hassle of obtaining a visa first. Additionally, the applicant can bring their spouse, financially dependent children (up to the age of 24), and parents over the age of 65 years. There is no mandatory permanent stay requirement, offering flexibility to the residents.

The government further facilitates new residents by arranging a tax regime where they can pay a lump sum amount once per year for income generated outside Italy, as opposed to regular payments. This arrangement enables residents to enjoy a high quality of life with access to excellent healthcare and education options, all within a low living cost environment.

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