5 Biggest Retailers In The World Heading Into 2021

4. Target (NYSE:TGT)

Total revenue of the company in 2019 (in billions of dollars): 78,112

Total profit of the company in 2019 (in billions of dollars): 3,281

Total assets of the company in 2019 (in billions of dollars): 42,779

Total employees of the company in 2019: 368,000

One of the biggest retailers in the world heading into 2021 is Target, which is also one of the oldest companies in our list, having initially been established 118 years ago in 1902. The company has 1,900 stores across the country.  The company has managed to obtain success in the retail industry as a cheap-chic player and has obtained customer loyalty, and one of the most valuable brands in the industry.

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Ken Wolter / Shutterstock.com