5 Biggest Home Appliance Companies in the World

2. Haier Smart Home Appliances

Total market cap of the company as at 16th December 2022 (in millions): 32,380

Total revenue of the company TTM (in millions): 32,631

Total profits from continuing operations of the company TTM (in millions): 31,188

Total assets of the company (in millions): 27,947

The products sold by this electronics company include air conditioners, mobile phones, refrigerators and microwave ovens among others. The company has seven main segments and according to Euromonitor, it was actually the number one global brand in major appliances for a decade from 2009 to 2018. It is also considered to be one of the biggest IoT ecosystem brands in the world. The company was only founded 38 years and has achieved massive success in a short time in a competitive industry.