5 Biggest Companies That Aren’t Profitable

4. Airbus

Total revenue of the company in 2019 (in millions of dollars): 78,883

Total assets of the company in 2019 (in millions of dollars): 128,413

Total employees of the company in 2019: 134,931

Total losses of the company in 2019 (in millions of dollars): 1,524

The fact that Airbus is already in our list of the biggest companies that aren’t profitable spells doom for one of the biggest aviation companies in the world. Airbus even back in 2016 had performed more than 110 million flights which mean ferrying more than 12 billion passengers, and is a European multinational company. However, Airbus has been one of the worst hit companies by the pandemic as travel ceased and announced at least 15,000 job cuts in 2020 to manage its business during the pandemic and ensure its survival.

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