5 Best Places to Retire in Poland

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This article looks at the 5 best places to retire in Poland. If you wish to check out our detailed analysis of how Poland is a dynamic destination for businesses and expatriates, you may go to 12 Best Places to Retire in Poland.

5. Wrocław

Insider Monkey Score: 6

Wrocław stands as one of the top cities to retire in Poland owing to its rich cultural scene, historical beauty, and affordable living. There are numerous concerts, festivals, and theaters to enjoy. The city also offers educational institutions for lifelong learning and personal growth. The modern healthcare facilities ensure a high standard of care for retirees. Moreover, it has a mild continental climate characterized by comfortable summers and chilling winters. An individual expatriate retiree typically requires an estimated $1,307 per month to comfortably live in Wrocław, with around $681 allocated to cover rent expenses.

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