5 Best Places to Retire in Panama

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In this article, we will look at the 5 best places to retire in Panama. If you wish to check out our detailed analysis on Panama’s economy and retiring to Panama, you may go to the 12 Best Places to Retire in Panama.

5. Volcán

Insider Monkey Score: 5

Volcán makes it to our list of best places to retire in Panama owing to its natural beauty, tranquil environment, and relaxing lifestyle. Its location on the highlands grants it a refreshingly cooler climate as compared to the coastal areas. Scenic landscapes, such as the Baru volcano and lush green countryside, embrace this beautiful town.

Active retirees will love living here and enjoy nature, hiking, and of course, the views. The town also has adequate healthcare facilities, and the fresh mountain air and natural environment contributes to a healthier lifestyle. Rents for one-bedroom apartments average around $500, and a single person can expect to live on $1,100 per month.

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