5 Best Performing Countries for COVID-19 Vaccinations

2. Singapore

Share Of People Fully Vaccinated: 74%
Share Of People Partially Vaccinated: 4%
Total Share Of People Vaccinated: 78%

Singapore was successful in getting 74% of its population fully vaccinated against the Delta variant which has made its way through the entire country. 4.56 million of the 5.9 million people in Singapore have received at least 1 dose of vaccines against COVID-19, with 4% of the vaccinated individuals waiting to get the second dose and add to the share of fully vaccinated people. A total of 8.75 million vaccine doses have been administered in Singapore. The ratio between confirmed deaths and confirmed cases rested at an absolute 0% for most of the time this year with occasional spikes that peaked at 1.73%. Currently, the CFR for Singapore rests at 1.32%.

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