5 Best National Parks in Canada

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In this article, we discuss 5 best national parks in Canada. If you want to see more of the top Canadian national parks, check out 15 Best National Parks in Canada.

5. Mount Revelstoke National Park

Annual Visitors: 801,510

Located in British Columbia, Mount Revelstoke National Park is spread out over 260 square kilometers, which is relatively small for a national park. The park offers an extensive array of activities for everyone. Strolling among giant red cedars, a bike race track spanning 26 kilometers, ski jumping from historic Canadian sites, boardwalks, and the Meadows in the Sky parkway are some of the main attractions in Mount Revelstoke National Park. In 2020, the annual visitors to the park were 801,513 – which makes it the 5th entry on our list of the best national parks in Canada.

5 Best National Parks in Canada


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