5 Best Exercises For Lower Back Pain

In this article, we will talk about the 5 best exercises for lower back pain. You can read our detailed analysis by heading straight to 16 Best Exercises For Lower Back Pain.

5. Child’s Pose

Number of Mention: 2

Average Ranking Across Sources: 3.5

The child’s pose is a yoga pose that is often used as a resting pose. It is considered to slow down the parasympathetic nervous system by relaxing the body. It is one of the best exercises for relieving lower back pain.

4. Bird Dog

Number of Mention: 2

Average Ranking Across Sources: 2

The Bird Dog is a fundamental core training exercise. The exercise can be modified to meet the individual needs and skill level. Ankle weights and resistance bands can instantly change the difficulty and effectiveness level of the exercise.

3. The Pelvic Clock

Number of Mention: 2

Average Ranking Across Sources: 1.5

The Pelvic Clock exercise is a subtle Pilates exercise. The mild exercise is suited for people with a sedentary lifestyle. It is considered one of the best exercises for lower back pain.

2. Cat-Cow

Number of Mention: 3

Average Ranking Across Sources: 6.3

The Cat-Cow exercise is also known as Chakravakasana in yoga. It is a low-impact exercise. Cat cow has been noted to improve posture and flexibility while helping relax the body as well.

1. Knee To Chest Stretch

Number of Mention: 4

Average Ranking Across Sources: 2.25

The knee-to-chest stretch is a simple and effective exercise that has made it to the top of our list of the best exercises for lower back pain. The exercise involves bringing one knee toward your chest while in a seated or lying position. The exercise can be modified to meet individual needs.

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