5 Best Cryptocurrencies to Invest In For Beginners in 2022 According to Reddit

2. Ethereum

Ethereum is the second-most popular coin in the world and is often termed the “more versatile and secure” option for users who do not approve of Bitcoin. The Ethereum network is essentially a more complex blockchain ecosystem that does more than just money transfers, unlike Bitcoin. For example, the Ethereum blockchain uses “smart contracts” to eliminate the need for centralized authorities entirely. The Ethereum coin was founded in 2014 by Vitalik Buterin. The Ethereum network is now widely used for a variety of decentralized applications. 

Ethereum is also popular as the network of choice for a “decentralized internet”. Most users on the internet exchange information between themselves via third parties presently. The new, decentralized version of the internet eliminates the need for these third parties and connects users directly to what they need. For example, one of the common examples of this is shared storage. Through the Ethereum blockchain, people can “rent” hard drive space to other people, virtually eliminating the need for “clouds”.