5 Best Countries in the World to Live in if You’re a Woman

In this article we are going to list the 5 best countries in the world to live in if you’re a woman. For a detailed coverage of this topic and a more comprehensive list please take a look at the 23 best countries in the world to live in if you’re a woman.

5. Sweden

The Nordic / Scandinavian countries dominate the top 5 of our list of best countries in the world to live in if you’re a woman. Sweden has long been a promoter of women’s rights and has laws against gender discrimination enforced as well. Since 2018, the Swedish Gender Equality agency has been responsible for ensuring that gender perspective is included in all operations.

4. Denmark

Women gained the right to vote in Denmark in 1915 and the country is known for its egalitarian society which provides the opportunity for both men and women to succeed, even as gaps remain.

3. Finland

Finland was the first country in Europe to grant women the right to vote back in 1906, and there are many women who are in prominent positions across the country. The life expectancy in Finland for females is 84.62 years as opposed to 79.03 years for males. Further, its current Prime Minister is a female too, who became the Prime Minister at the age of 34.

2. Norway

The first wave of feminism in Norway began in the 1840s and many waves have since followed, paving rights for women in the Scandinavian country. The first law in the nation to legalize abortion was passed in 1964 and the law on free access to abortion was passed in 1978.

1. Iceland

Topping the list of the 23 best countries in the world to live in if you’re a woman is Iceland. The Nordic nation recorded more than 88% of its working-age women being employed while 65% of students going to university were female as well. In September 2021, 47.6% of the total membership in parliament was female. In fact, it came very close to becoming the first European nation in history to have a female-majority parliament. It was also the first country in the world to have a female president, 42 years ago in 1980.

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