5 $100K Jobs No One Wants

4. Podiatrist

Podiatry is focused on foot and ankle health which unfortunately may not carry the same prestige or recognition as other medical fields such as cardiology, surgery, or neurology. This lack of prestige can often result in lower societal respect and recognition for podiatrists which potentially affects one’s sense of job satisfaction and professional fulfillment.

While the societal factors are there, the profession is generally less widely known compared to other healthcare fields like medicine or dentistry. Despite that, it has a rigorous educational path, which includes obtaining a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) degree and completing residencies, which can be demanding and time-consuming and hence, keeps many away from wanting to pursue a career in this field. According to Indeed.com, the average salary for a Podiatrist is $233,947 per year in the United States.