25 Ugliest Cities in the World According to Internet

Finding a list of the ugliest cities in the world according to internet isn’t common. Usually, we come across lists of the most beautiful or scenic cities. However, some people want to know the top ugliest cities in the world to help fellow travelers avoid unattractive destinations during their trips. Avoiding the ugliest countries is also worthwhile to ensure enjoyable travel plans.

The question arises, what makes a city the ugliest place in the world? Different people have varying opinions. Some dislike cities with large yet dull streets, while others find historical places and buildings uninteresting and unsightly. Our list includes places considered ugly due to excessive industrial zones, which make the natural landscape unappealing and dull. Based on our research, certain criteria stand out when describing the top ugliest cities in the world: traffic, public transport, climate, cleanliness, and architecture are key factors. People also consider the surrounding nature and excessive concrete in the city center. Additionally, the way people in those cities interact with tourists matters too.

25 Ugliest Cities in the World According to Internet

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It’s important to remember that beauty is subjective. What one group finds attractive may be completely ugly to another. A blogger who traveled the world described Los Angeles as sprawling, a city he liked until he visited it again as an adult. The vast areas lacked good architecture and natural beauty, with only excellent public transportation adding appeal. Taste varies greatly, so keep this in mind when reading our list.

Compiling the list of the ugliest cities in the world according to internet, particularly research from Reddit where the first such lists appeared. We compared this list with others ranking the ugliest cities and the top ugliest cities in the world. As a special data source, we included a list of ugliest cities voted by travelers, which we consider most accurate. From this analysis, we found that only five cities repeated on multiple lists, with one city topping the list three times, making it the ugliest according to many voters and travelers. As you read our list, don’t be surprised if you spot one of your favorite or hometown cities listed. However, the top-ranked city may surprise you since it’s a popular tourist destination.

25 Ugliest Cities in the World According to Internet

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25. Amman, Jordan

The capital of a country boasting one of the world’s most mesmerizing historical sites (the enchanting Petra) should only serve as a starting and ending point on your travel journey. Unless you find pleasure in navigating through dirty, disorderly streets with unsightly buildings that appear to be falling apart on each other.

24. Bucharest, Romania

Often referred to as the ugliest capital city in Europe, Bucharest has a long list of issues that need urgent attention. It surely deserves to be on our list of the ugliest cities in the world according to internet. From areas lacking running water to unpaved streets and an almost archaic sewage system, Bucharest is a city described as the ugliest in the world.

23. Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuela may have a reputation for success in international beauty pageants, and its women are well-known for their plastic surgery-enhanced bodies. However, the country’s capital is far from being a beauty itself. Surrounded by shantytowns, its central districts lack proper planning and style.

22. Charleroi, Belgium

Even though cute small cities made in an old village style can be charming, some may not live up to our expectations. Charleroi in Belgium is a prime example of this, taking the title of one of the ugliest cities in the world. One traveler shared an anecdote of seeing a man wearing a t-shirt that humorously read “Welcome to, Hellgium,” which he thought perfectly summed up the essence of Charleroi.

21. Chisinau, Moldova

Moldova’s capital is quite an eyesore. It’s an industrial city dominated by unattractive Soviet-style apartment buildings, many of which are in decay and lack cleanliness. We’ve seen plenty of unappealing Soviet-era cities in Eastern Europe, but we hope for more from a capital. If you enjoy concrete everywhere, this might be the place for you. Otherwise, consider going far away!

20. Dubai, UAE

Dubai, for some, is considered the ugliest and most overrated destination. Critics compare the city to a poorly designed video game, lacking charm and character despite its reputation for opulence and luxury.

25 Ugliest Cities in the World According to Internet

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19. Guatemala City, Guatemala

This city, filled with fumes and crime, serves as the capital of an otherwise beautiful country. Sadly, it resembles more of a slum than a capital, with buildings on the verge of collapse. The chaotic placement of large buildings without any concrete plan is a major problem in this area.

18. Hull, England

Hull, England, a city that some might consider the epitome of unattractiveness, has left a lasting impression on one user. This individual even witnessed a strange incident where a woman tried to fight a seagull over some McDonald’s chips. Despite being named the City of Culture, it failed to impress this particular person.

17. Isparta, Turkey

In the race for the unflattering title of the world’s ugliest city, Isparta in Turkey stands out as a strong contender, as one discerning individual described. According to them, Isparta is a collection of disorganized buildings with nothing attractive or engaging for visitors. The city endures scorching summers and freezing winters, lacking a decent infrastructure and failing to contribute significantly to the economy or anything else. To this person, Isparta is merely an idle settlement that serves as a home to its residents.

16. Lagos, Nigeria

Venturing into Lagos, Nigeria, one user confidently labels it as the epitome of ugliness. They highlight the city’s poor air quality, overcrowding, and lack of cleanliness. According to this user, Americans won’t truly comprehend “real ugly” until they experience developing countries like Lagos.

15. Luanda, Angola

Despite its current state of rapid development as the capital of Africa’s economic success, let’s hope that the growth in this city creates something more appealing than the current view: a skyline marked by unsightly apartment buildings in what happens to be the world’s most expensive city.

14. Manila, Philippines

As per numerous travelers who’ve experienced it firsthand, Manila doesn’t garner much praise. In stark contrast to the Philippines’ picturesque and dream-like beach towns, Manila disappoints with its overpopulation, inadequate public transportation, and overall lack of urban development and beautification, doing its citizens a disservice.

13. Mexico City, Mexico

Despite its reputation as one of the world’s most dangerous cities, even if it were considered safe, it wouldn’t be very inviting. With high pollution levels, there isn’t much to admire in its appearance.

12. Mumbai, India

Mumbai exemplifies the stark contrast between immense wealth for the elite and dire living conditions for the working class. A woman describes the city’s paradox, where the world’s priciest private residence exists alongside slums housing millions of people. A simple Google search confirms the astonishing reality.

25 Ugliest Cities in the World According to Internet

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11. New York City, New York

You probably didn’t expect to see New York City on the list of the ugliest cities in the world according to internet! It’s still a symbol of hope for immigrants chasing the American dream. However, some find it shocking to discover its less attractive side. Despite its thriving culture, economy, and history, the city needs a makeover. One user pointed out Lower Manhattan, near Governor’s Island, as particularly gloomy. Even more depressing than the rest of the city, they said. Others mentioned trash and giant rats as common issues.

10. Norilsk, Russia

Norilsk, another city from the former Soviet Union, falls into the category of concrete places. Back in the U.S.S.R.’s Cold War era, cities were rapidly built to accommodate a growing population. However, in 2023, Norilsk is far from meeting the expectations of a thriving metropolis. The city is marred by old Soviet-style buildings, a lack of vegetation, and a depressing appearance. Moreover, it suffers from high pollution levels and extreme cold weather.

9. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

According to an internet user, Philadelphia is a city where they had great times, but it does have a fair share of bad streets, closed-up empty spaces, and inadequate public transportation. Despite that, it remains a place where one can still find and cherish great moments.

8. Riverton, Wyoming

There’s a clear distinction between a dull and old-fashioned city and a town that has been seriously neglected over the years, and unfortunately, Riverton falls into the latter category. According to some descriptions, everything in this city looks old. There’s a huge and ugly casino in the corner, and despite the great locations Wyoming has to offer, Riverton is not a pretty place to visit.

7. Swansea, Wales, UK

In the final user’s opinion, Swansea in Wales, UK, could be considered one of the ugliest cities in the world. While Dylan Thomas once called it the “lovely, ugly town,” the user prefers Terry’s version from the 1997 film Twin Town, “a pretty, s****y city.”

6. Temirtau, Kazakhstan

Temirtau is easily considered one of the ugliest cities in the world, thanks to its seemingly never-ending drug problem among the population and widespread urban decay. Travelers are stunned by the sheer number of abandoned buildings and empty storefronts, in addition to the complete lack of city beautification programs.

5. Bakersfield, California

When you search for Bakersfield on Google, one of the first things that pop up is “obituaries,” which says a lot about this place. Bakersfield is a city in Kern County, California, United States, serving as the county seat and the largest city in Kern County. It’s known for agriculture and energy production, being the most productive oil-producing county in California. However, many find it boring, empty, and lacking any interesting spots worth mentioning.

4. Detroit, Michigan

Many Americans have nominated Detroit, Michigan, as one of the ugliest cities they’ve ever seen, citing the abundance of abandoned cars and buildings scattered throughout. Visiting Detroit for the first time is a shocking experience, even compared to cities like Baltimore. The sheer number of rundown areas filled with mattresses and garbage and drivers drive through. You will also see tennis shoes hanging from telephone wires, something you maybe had never witnessed before.

3. São Paulo, Brazil

In the vast and bustling country of Brazil, there lies a city that has seen its fair share of challenges. São Paulo, once a vibrant and thriving metropolis, now faces the brunt of difficult times. A woman, speaking from her heart, expresses her thoughts on the city’s current state, admitting that São Paulo takes the cake when it comes to gloominess. With a staggering population of twenty million people, São Paulo stretches far and wide, resembling a vast gray jungle of concrete and asphalt. It appears the city’s struggles have grown so intertwined that they can hardly be separated. While she acknowledges the difficulties, there is a lingering hope that brighter days might come, but the path to improvement remains unclear.

25 Ugliest Cities in the World According to Internet

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2. Gary, Indiana

You can find Gary, Indiana on a website called “Abandoned Cities.” The name says a lot. Once known as “The City of the Century,” this metropolis has seen both growth and decline. Though it’s not entirely accurate to call Gary abandoned, its population has sharply dropped from over 178,000 in 1960 to around 78,000 in 2014. This decline has caused economic devastation, leaving many homes and buildings to decay. The reason it looks ugly is evident in the sight of abandoned large buildings, factories, and empty stations with broken windows and open doors. Despite its great natural surroundings, it’s not a place you’d want to visit as a tourist.

25 Ugliest Cities in the World According to Internet

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1. Los Angeles, California

A blogger expressed disappointment in Los Angeles, finding it ugly and excessively large for the average person. Many first-time visitors are shocked, expecting a vibrant and luxurious city like the ones depicted in Hollywood films. Instead, they encounter urban blight and a severe homeless problem. While certain areas like Beverly Hills are beautiful, most of Los Angeles is rather unpleasant to look at. This name keeps popping up on numerous lists, he’s taking the top spot on our list of the ugliest cities in the world according to internet.

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