25 Most Dangerous Animals in the World

2. Lion

Dangerous Because of: Sharp claws and teeth that allow for an easy kill

The infamous king of the jungle, the lion is a majestic yet dangerous big cat. They are dangerous because of their sharp claws and sharp teeth. They are also huge, and can effortlessly suffocate any animal. Lions are not only dangerous to other animals or their prey but also humans It comes as no surprise that these muscular big cats are some of the most dangerous animals in the world. In Tanzania alone, African lions attacked 1,000 people between the years 1994 and 2014. Lions stalk their prey and when close enough, attempt a short charge on their prey, trying either to pounce on their target or knock it over. They then kill their victim by breaking its neck or suffocating it by clamping their jaws around the victim’s throat. Lions have a bite force of 650 PSI, not the highest number on our list but mind you, humans chomp into a well-done steak at only about 200 PSI.

Animals, Lion

Photo by Mika Brandt on Unsplash