25 Dumbest States in America

3. New Mexico

Current Population: 2,110,011

Poverty Rate: 18.55%

Median Household Income: 53,463

Unemployment Rate: 3.5%

New Mexico lands at the 3rd spot of our list of the 25 dumbest states in America. According to a study, one of the lowest IQ states in America is New Mexico. Additionally, the state is frequently regarded as one of the poorest states in America, as evidenced by its consistently higher poverty rate compared to the national average. Several factors contribute to the state’s poverty, including an overreliance on low-wage employment, limited economic diversification, low educational attainment, elevated rates of poverty and inequality, a history of questionable leadership, and dependence on the federal government. Consequently, New Mexico currently holds a position among the most impoverished states in the nation. The absence of resources has resulted in significant hardships for many individuals, and a substantial portion of the population is living in poverty. It is evident that additional measures must be taken to foster economic growth and alleviate poverty in New Mexico.

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