15 Least Gay-Friendly Countries in the World

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13. Egypt

Egypt, the next one on the list of least gay-friendly countries in the world is a perfect destination for passionate travelers, history-lovers and those who wish to see remains of the ancient civilizations. Dubbed “the cradle of civilization”, ancient Egypt was one of the first countries to experience urbanization, organized government, agriculture, etc. Egyptian pyramids attract hundreds of people every year and traveling to Egypt might be on many people’s bucket list. Sexual relations between consenting adults of the same sex are not prohibited. Yet, prejudice and discrimination against LGBT community are widespread. This can be explained by statistics collected by the Pew Research Center according to which 95% of Egyptians believe that homosexuality should not be accepted by society. Arrests based on sexual orientation are not rare in Egypt and The Independent recently reported that authorities continuously arrest members of LGBT community under the charges of “debauchery law”. While Egypt is not amongst most critical countries in regards to LGBT rights it is definitely good to be at least a little bit more careful when visiting.

15 Least Gay-Friendly Countries in the World

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