14 Most Profitable Franchises to Buy in 2016

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13. Jack in the Box

Startup costs: $1.3M – 2.4M

2015 Rank: 4

Most of the franchises on this list of most profitable franchises to buy in 2016, and in the rankings from previous years are food oriented. This comes as no surprise, as food is one of our basic necessities and in these modern times, less and less people are willing to find some time for home food preparation. Hence, fast food chains or fancy restaurants are usually very profitable businesses. Jack in the box is one such business – a fast food restaurant chain that was opened back in 1951, while it started franchising 34 years ago. If you have around $1.50 million for investment purposes, you may want to consider investing in this franchise.

14 Most Profitable Franchises to Buy in 2016


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