13 Most Famous Witches in History

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4. Catherine Monovoisin

A French sorceress who is better known as La Voisin, Catherine’s habits of practicing medicine, procuring abortions, concocting potions and poisons and being a promiscuous wife all contributed to her sentencing for poisoning and witchcraft. At first, many women of Paris seemed to flock to her for her love potions and made her very wealthy. But La Voisin who ranks 4th in our list of most famous witches in history, eventually got caught up in a scandal and people began to think that the potions she was making were poisoning the women who took them. Most of these women were rich and powerful, and La Voisin’s testimony in court could not hold up to the power some of these individuals had, so she was convicted of poisoning and witchcraft and sentenced to burn in 1680 in the very center of Paris for all to see.

13 Most Famous Witches in History

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