11 Countries that Eat the Least Meat in the World

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9. Pakistan

Meat consumption per capita (lb/per capita):  28.7

It seems that Pakistan definitely deserves to be among countries that eat the least meat in the world, since sheep meat consumption is 4.63 pounds per capita, beef and veal 14.1 pounds per capita, poultry meat 9.92 and pork meat is 0.0 pounds per capita. Since Pakistan is Islamic country, it is expected that pork meat intake is low/non-existent. While eating pork is not forbidden, importing pork or products that contain pork (fat) is. In other words, if you are a pork lover, you will have to search for it somewhere across the Pakistani border.

11 Countries that Eat the Least Meat in the World

Asianet-Pakistan / Shutterstock.com

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