10 Technology Trends That’ll Shape The Next 10 Years

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  1. Floating Farms
  2. Floating farms are not only the future of agriculture, but smart farming is. Floating farms are technological farms built on artificial platforms constructed on bodies of water, and with a smart input, these could be very technological in practice. Sometimes, there are also high-rise farms that are suspended in the air and even built on high-rise buildings to cater to animal husbandry and crop cultivation.

    In the next 10 years, floating farms on water and smart-farms on high-rise buildings will be more common around our cities. Almost everyone will be able to cultivate their own crops on the tops of their roofs, and these farms will be controlled using advanced digital technologies. These smart technologies will monitor crop growth, nutrient uptake, pest control, and other aspects of crop production and animal rearing.

    Maybe this development will usher in the anticipated smart cities in the coming decades.

    1. Eye-Control Technology

    Eye-control technology makes it possible for people to control computers with their eye movements. It is an eye-sensor technology that enables computers and connected devices to sense human focus, attention, and presence. Since the computer tracks eye movement, the user can control digital operations using only his eyes.

    The use of eye-control technology is already in use in some countries but it is still in its infancy stage. But in the next 10 years, it will roll out to more countries and usable by people with disabilities – such as the dumb and the paralyzed. It will be an assistive technology for disabled people to communicate and do essential things such as drawing as is the case with Felicia Bowers, a cerebral palsy kid who uses her eyes to draw using eye-control technology.

    In the next 10 years, most people will be able to control their smartphones, home appliances, personal computers, and assistive gadgets using eye-tracking technologies.

    Disclosure: None.

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