10 Smartest Countries in Asia

What are the factors that contributed to high IQ levels of population in 10 smartest countries in Asia? Are Asians naturally smarter than the rest of us? Is there something in that region of the world that helps breed geniuses? Are they simply born smart or is there something else?

Ronnachai Palas/Shutterstock.com

Ronnachai Palas/Shutterstock.com

In the last century we have seen the stereotype about Asians changing from cheap laborers, working hard in their rice paddies, to smartest people on the planet. Technological development of first Japan and later other Asian countries like Taiwan, Korea and China have helped a lot in changing how the West sees Asian people, but now we have a large body of evidence that proves beyond any doubt that countries in Asia have higher average IQ than the rest of the world. Top 3 spots on the list of the smartest countries in the world are taken by nations from Asia.

According to the stereotype, Asian parents are very strict and demand a lot from their children, especially academically.  Rarely will you see them standing by the football field or basketball court cheering for their kids. Sports are something that is leisure and success in it isn’t high on their priority list. But excelling in school is and that is mandatory. Whether this stereotype isn’t always accurate, it does have some grain of truth in it.

Once you combine that attitude with some of the best performing school systems in the world, you get amazing results. Ever since PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) testing begun in 2000, countries from Asia have been on the very top of the list. Students from countries like South Korea, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan are regularly among top 10 performers on PISA test. Chinese cities Hong Kong and Shanghai dominate their opposite numbers from all over the world. In 2012, first places in all three categories PISA was testing (math, science and reading) were taken by kids from Shanghai, while second places in science and reading went to Honk Kong. Singapore managed to grab second place in math, preventing international competition turning into Chinese one.

Correlation doesn’t always mean causation, but in this case, the evidence is overwhelming. Education is the reason why the list of 10 smartest countries in Asia looks like it does.

10. Brunei

Average IQ of the country: 91

One of the richest countries in Asia (and the world, for that matter), Brunei is the proof that eliminating poverty is a sure way to increase educational levels of the population and consequently make them smarter.


9. Malaysia

Average IQ of the country: 92

Although not on par with their neighbors in Singapore, Malaysia is still pretty high on the list of smart countries.


8. Vietnam

Average IQ of the country: 94

Once the disastrous war with the United States was over, Vietnam started rebuilding. Major emphasis was placed on education and judging by their position on the list, it has paid off for them.


7. Kazakhstan

Average IQ of the country: 94

Former Soviet republic has seen some real benefits from easily accessible education on all levels and high income generated by country’s rich oil and gas reserves.


6. Israel

Average IQ of the country: 95

Although not what we traditionally see as an Asian country, Israel is never the less in Asia and deserves a spot on our list.


5. China

Average IQ of the country: 100

Number 5 on our list of the smartest countries in Asia is China. Not only it is an economic powerhouse, China has also invested heavily in educational reform. Students from Shanghai are the absolute winners of 2012 PISA testing, claiming first places in all three categories, with their counterparts from Hong Kong taking two of the second ones.


4. Mongolia

Average IQ of the country: 101

Recent genealogical studies have revealed that one in 200 people currently alive on the planet is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan. Too bad his smart gene didn’t get passed along the line as well.


3. Japan

Average IQ of the country: 105

The original Asian wonder, Japan is a country that has been to hell and back in the short span of some 40 years. It takes a lot of smart people to completely rebuild the country from ashes of the World War 2 to the economic giant it is today.


2. South Korea

Average IQ of the country: 106

Another high-ranking economic power that has recognized the value of education, South Korea boasts average IQ of 106 points.


1. Singapore

Average IQ of the country: 108

Just two points shy of the entire country being ranked as above average in intelligence (IQ of above 110 is considered above average), Singapore claims the first place on our list of 10 smartest countries in Asia.
