10 Countries with the Highest Employment Rates in the World

In this article, we will look at the 10 countries with the highest employment rates in the world. We have also discussed the global economic landscape in another article. If you are interested in reading about that along with a more extensive list, head straight to the 25 Countries with the Highest Employment Rates in the World.

10. Denmark

Employment Rate in Q3 2023: 76.19

Danish employment hit a historic peak, surpassing 3 million in August 2023. Despite this milestone, job vacancies persist that have prompted calls for easier recruitment of international workers. Statistics reveal 57,000 job openings in various sectors in the second quarter of 2023. The Confederation of Danish Industry stresses the necessity of hiring from abroad to bridge the labor gap. It is one of the 10 countries with the highest employment rates in the world.

9. Germany

Employment Rate in Q3 2023: 77.36

Germany boasts a social market economy, with a skilled labor force, low corruption, and high innovation. As the world’s third-largest exporter and importer, it leads Europe in economic prowess, ranking third globally in nominal GDP and fifth in PPP.

8. Sweden

Employment Rate in Q3 2023: 77.47

Sweden has the highest re-employment rates among developed countries, with approximately 90% of laid-off workers finding new employment within a year, as reported by the OECD. It is one of the top countries with highest employment rates.

7. Australia

Employment Rate in Q3 2023: 77.60

Australia is becoming a top choice for job opportunities among foreigners due to its proposed immigration policy changes. These include plans to increase pay for incoming temporary visa holders and an overall immigration system update. Specific visa programs like the Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage Visa are designed to lure highly skilled professionals. It is one of the countries that have the most job opportunities for foreigners.

6. Norway

Employment Rate in Q3 2023: 77.68

Norway has the second-highest GDP per capita in Europe, following only Luxembourg, and the sixth-highest GDP (PPP) per capita worldwide. It is the second-wealthiest country in terms of monetary value, with the highest capital reserve per capita globally.

5. Japan

Employment Rate in Q3 2023: 79.01

Japan is a country with strong employment opportunities, with a 77% employment rate among individuals aged 15 to 64, surpassing the OECD average of 66%. Although men exhibit higher rates at 84%, compared to 71% for women, the overall employment landscape remains stable.

4. New Zealand

Employment Rate in Q3 2023: 79.79

New Zealand leads globally in work-life balance with an ample annual leave of 32 days, a universally accessible healthcare system, and a stable economy. It stands out as the country with the most satisfied workforce worldwide.

3. Switzerland

Employment Rate in Q3 2023: 80.42

With stable employment rates, especially among men, and a low prevalence of long working hours, Switzerland has a strong work-life balance. The country has high literacy rates, particularly in upper secondary education, with above-average academic performance, where girls often outshine boys.

2. Netherlands

Employment Rate in Q3 2023: 82.47

International students in the Netherlands contribute largely to the country’s employment statistics. Over 80% of them opt to remain post-graduation, citing abundant career opportunities as a primary reason. Factors like quality of life and work-life balance also influence their decision, with 77% prioritizing the latter.


Employment Rate in Q3 2023: 83.59

In 2019, Iceland allocated 43% of its GDP to public expenditure, with 24% of its workforce employed in the general government, the fourth highest among OECD countries. Moreover, it directed 32.7% of its public spending towards employee compensation, the highest in the OECD. It is the country with the highest employment rate in the world

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