10 Coldest Cities in the World

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In this article, we list the 10 Coldest Cities in the World. If you would like to see our detailed discussion prefacing the list, you can go to 25 Coldest Cities in the World.

10. Novosibirsk, Russia

February average temperature in °C: -19.5

Lowest temperature ever recorded (in °C): -43

Novosibirsk is a city in Siberia, Russia. It experiences harsh winters, lasting from November to March, with severity increasing from the end of December. The month of February in Novosibirsk is still predominantly cold, however, with slightly better conditions than prior months due to longer daylight hours. As of February 2024, the average recorded temperature of the city is -19.5 °C. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Novosibirsk was -43 °C. 

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