10 Best Gifts for Autistic Children

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10. Books

Autistic children enjoy many aspects of children books, including rhymes, repetitions and colorful drawings. Some of the good choices can be books with flaps, word books with a lot of pictures (try to avoid books with plain text, especially if the child is non-verbal) and books with different textures and fabrics in them. For younger children, Dr. Seuss collections are a good choice. New Horizons Professional ABA Services website made a list of recommended books for kids on autism spectrum which are created especially for them. Another interesting interactive book is My Little Yellow Taxi where children learn what it is like to drive a taxi. They can use the steering wheel, check the tire pressure, to pop out a cardboard key and almost everything else as a real car. Children with autism often don’t engage in pretend play and this book is a perfect choice to engage them in a pretend play and have a lot of fun as well. These are, of course, just a couple of recommendation but there are many, many more books suitable for autistic children.

10 Best Gifts for Autistic Children

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