The Longest Hollywood Films Ever Made

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Do you know much time you need to watch the longest Hollywood films ever made? Well, it depends on how many of these movies you indulge in, but if we sum up the hours on this compilation, you’ll need over an entire day to just get through half of them. While there are experimental films that run for several days straight, we decided to stay within a reasonable limit, focusing on Hollywood productions instead. In some cases, critiques have pegged the movies too long for their own good, but in others, the story is so complex and rich that it requires time to tell it adequately (this is especially the case with book adaptations).

Some people might think that long movies are a bore, but in fact, several of the films on this list are also included amongst the 15 highest grossing movies ever, which we recounted in a previous article. So, let’s take a look at the longest Hollywood films ever made and why they required extensive screen time.

8. The Godfather Part II (1974)

Duration: 200 minutes

The prequel (The Godfather) to this epic mafia crime piece was already 178 minutes long, but director Francis Ford Coppola decided that this part of Don Vito Corleone and his gangster family’s life needed more dramatic pauses and moments of tension. In spite of its length, this is considered one of the best novel adaptations (written by Mario Puzo) in history and it broke box office records back in 1974.

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