Apple Inc. (AAPL)’s ‘Do Not Disturb’ Feature Having Issues

The Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) Maps fiasco was one of the biggest tech blunders of 2012. In case you haven’t heard yet, Apple’s iPhone may have another issue brewing. According to 9to5Mac, “[a]s of midnight last night, the popular Do Not Disturb feature on iOS 6 isn’t turning off for many readers,” but it’s an issue that “doesn’t affect everyone.”

Should this Concern Apple Inc. (AAPL) and Google Inc (GOOG)?

The feature, which most certainly isn’t used by every iPhone owner, gives users the ability to screen which calls and notifications are received. The following ad, which was ironically released via Apple’s YouTube account to ring in the new year, discusses how to use Do Not Disturb.

Aside from playing ping pong against the Williams sisters, Jeff Daniels (yes, that’s his voice in the spot) makes a very good point: Do Not Disturb allows Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone users to tweak just who they receive calls from, giving options of “Everyone,” “No One,” and “Favorites.”

As seen on the popular Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) forums site MacRumors here and here, users from Japan to Brooklyn are seeing Do Not Disturb activate outside of its scheduled time, which could potentially cause “missed vital events such as, who knows, an invitation to a spontaneous brunch or a call informing them they had removed their pants in public last night,” as CNET hilariously speculates.

In all seriousness, though, a malfunctioning Do Not Disturb function could cause users a number of headaches, whether they’re business or home-related.

So is this a glitch, or is it simply a New Years Day gift from Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) iOS  6 designers?

According to, one of the first outlets to report the issue: “While most suspect the quirk is down to a software glitch, others have speculated it could be a specially designed New Year’s Day present from Apple.”

The site made reference to a particular Whirlpool forum, which seemed to suggest Cupertino was simply giving users a bit more sleep on New Years Day. Here are a few other comments.

“Woke up this morning and the iOS Do Not Disturb featured which was suppose to be turned off at 6:30am was still on at 8am. Is this a bug or did Apple do this on purpose knowing everyone will be partying out late on new years eve and so gave a little bit of extra time to sleep on new years day […]” — IncogRules

“Yep – I’m with you mate – I just looked at my phone at 8:55 and noticed the DND logo on my phone and wondered why it was on. Do not disturb is supposed to shut off at 6:30 for me as well […]” — liam0s

“Yep, same thing happened to me. I have Do Not Disturb set for 11 – 7 and at 8.30 this morning it was still active.” –rickb

“I’ve got Do Not Disturb set from 12am to 6am, which I’ve had since the iPhone 5 came out, and has worked nicely, but right now at 8:17am, the crescent moon still appears in the status bar.” –aeon

As you can see, the common issue with these complaints is that Do Not Disturb is remaining activated after its scheduled time. It should be mentioned, though, that not all Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone users are reporting these issues.

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