Iheartmedia Inc. (IHRT)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
1. 3,909,729 $4,261,605 +133% 0%
2. 2,500,000 $2,725,000 +67% 0.01%
Aristeia Capital

Robert Henry Lynch

2,257,583 $2,460,765 0.05%
Bracebridge Capital

Nancy Zimmerman And Gabriel Sunshine

1,008,456 $1,099,217 0.19%
MSDC Management

Marc Lisker, Glenn Fuhrman And John Phelan

493,794 $538,235 0.05%
Insider Trading: Purchases See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$2.06 100,000 3,166,359 2023-11-14 Filing
$3.44 58,480 3,066,359 2023-08-11 Filing
$2.86 2,000 Officer 21,146 2023-05-05 Filing
$2.88 88,028 Officer, Director 1,971,323 2023-05-05 Filing
$5.00 10,000 Officer 148,535 2023-03-10 Filing
Insider Trading: Sales See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$25.00 1,091,524 Large Shareholder 11,787,724 2021-10-07 Filing
$25.76 73,000 Large Shareholder 12,879,248 2021-10-05 Filing
$22.45 20,000 Officer 18,630 2021-05-14 Filing
$0.00 0 Large Shareholder, Director 0 2018-12-14 Filing
$0.00 0 Large Shareholder, Director 0 2018-12-14 Filing
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 22,564,505 $60,247,228 0.1%
2. 8,291,404 $22,138,048 0%
3. 7,755,611 $20,707,482 0.31%
4. 6,376,979 $17,026,534 0%
5. 3,949,501 $10,545,168 0%
News See All