Hedge Fund - TPG-AXON Management LP

H D F C Bank Ltd (HDB) 

Holding History Records
No. Filing Period Value % of Portfolio Number of Shares Avg. Quarterly Share Price
1 2022 - Q2 (2022-06-30) $0 0% 0 $56.38
2 2022 - Q1 (2022-03-31) $2,987,000 6.93% 48,700 $64.99
3 2021 - Q4 (2021-12-31) $1,913,000 3.05% 29,400 $70.01
4 2019 - Q3 (2019-09-30) $4,838,000 12.91% 84,800 $56.93
5 2019 - Q2 (2019-06-30) $3,797,000 7.92% 58,400 $60.27
6 2019 - Q1 (2019-03-31) $3,384,000 7.1% 58,400 $51.87
7 2018 - Q4 (2018-12-31) $3,025,000 6.99% 58,400 $47.27
8 2018 - Q3 (2018-09-30) $2,748,000 4.18% 58,400 $50.99
9 2018 - Q2 (2018-06-30) $2,048,000 2.63% 39,000 $49.95

The displayed share prices are average quarterly stock market prices.

The share numbers are adjusted according to following stock splits:

  1. 2.0000:1.0000 on 2019-09-26

  2. 5.0000:1.0000 on 2011-07-25