Hedge Fund - Strategy Capital

Amazon Com Inc (AMZN) 

Holding History Records
No. Filing Period Value % of Portfolio Number of Shares Avg. Quarterly Share Price
1 2024 - Q2 (2024-06-30) $166,049,290 16.3% 859,246 $183.70
2 2024 - Q1 (2024-03-31) $153,999,966 15.63% 853,753 $166.93
3 2023 - Q4 (2023-12-31) $127,171,501 13.82% 836,985 $140.18
4 2023 - Q3 (2023-09-30) $113,552,228 15.84% 893,268 $134.00
5 2023 - Q2 (2023-06-30) $116,725,648 16.13% 895,410 $114.20
6 2023 - Q1 (2023-03-31) $86,818,653 13.86% 840,533 $96.61
7 2022 - Q4 (2022-12-31) $79,875,264 16.37% 950,896 $98.78
8 2022 - Q3 (2022-09-30) $105,153,000 17.94% 930,558 $126.40
9 2022 - Q2 (2022-06-30) $89,089,000 15.54% 838,799 $125.13
10 2022 - Q1 (2022-03-31) $120,474,000 14.55% 739,120 $154.52
11 2021 - Q4 (2021-12-31) $113,034,000 10.69% 678,000 $171.15
12 2021 - Q3 (2021-09-30) $104,839,000 9.95% 638,280 $172.49
13 2021 - Q2 (2021-06-30) $106,287,000 10.88% 617,920 $166.20
14 2021 - Q1 (2021-03-31) $85,462,000 11.62% 552,420 $158.51
15 2020 - Q4 (2020-12-31) $91,164,000 12.06% 559,820 $159.58
16 2020 - Q3 (2020-09-30) $85,482,000 12.18% 542,960 $157.65
17 2020 - Q2 (2020-06-30) $66,628,000 10.74% 483,020 $120.78
18 2020 - Q1 (2020-03-31) $55,436,000 13.5% 568,660 $96.79
19 2019 - Q4 (2019-12-31) $47,824,000 12.97% 517,620 $88.51
20 2019 - Q3 (2019-09-30) $44,822,000 13.5% 516,400 $92.73
21 2019 - Q2 (2019-06-30) $30,107,000 12.7% 317,980 $93.15
22 2019 - Q1 (2019-03-31) $27,368,000 13.72% 307,380 $83.22
23 2018 - Q4 (2018-12-31) $12,663,000 13.82% 168,620 $83.14

The displayed share prices are average quarterly stock market prices.

The share numbers are adjusted according to following stock splits:

  1. 20.0000:1.0000 on 2022-06-06