Hedge Fund - Osterweis Capital Management

Amazon Com Inc (AMZN) 

Holding History Records
No. Filing Period Value % of Portfolio Number of Shares Avg. Quarterly Share Price
1 2024 - Q2 (2024-06-30) $63,418,466 3.27% 328,168 $183.70
2 2024 - Q1 (2024-03-31) $57,325,306 3.36% 317,803 $166.93
3 2023 - Q4 (2023-12-31) $45,744,424 2.9% 301,069 $140.18
4 2023 - Q3 (2023-09-30) $35,344,698 2.58% 278,042 $134.00
5 2023 - Q2 (2023-06-30) $37,654,877 2.49% 288,853 $114.20
6 2023 - Q1 (2023-03-31) $24,800,033 1.68% 240,101 $96.61
7 2022 - Q4 (2022-12-31) $17,729,040 1.28% 211,060 $98.78
8 2022 - Q3 (2022-09-30) $28,317,000 2.12% 250,596 $126.40
9 2022 - Q2 (2022-06-30) $30,968,000 2.31% 291,580 $125.13
10 2022 - Q1 (2022-03-31) $54,621,000 3% 335,100 $154.52
11 2021 - Q4 (2021-12-31) $50,298,000 2.51% 301,700 $171.15
12 2021 - Q3 (2021-09-30) $45,771,000 2.49% 278,660 $172.49
13 2021 - Q2 (2021-06-30) $47,691,000 2.45% 277,260 $166.20
14 2021 - Q1 (2021-03-31) $28,301,000 1.54% 182,940 $158.51
15 2020 - Q4 (2020-12-31) $14,578,000 0.86% 89,520 $159.58
16 2020 - Q3 (2020-09-30) $457,000 0.03% 2,900 $157.65
17 2020 - Q2 (2020-06-30) $207,000 0.01% 1,500 $120.78

The displayed share prices are average quarterly stock market prices.

The share numbers are adjusted according to following stock splits:

  1. 20.0000:1.0000 on 2022-06-06