Hedge Fund - Emerging Sovereign Group

H D F C Bank Ltd (HDB) 

Holding History Records
No. Filing Period Value % of Portfolio Number of Shares Avg. Quarterly Share Price
1 2018 - Q3 (2018-09-30) $0 0% 0 $50.99
2 2018 - Q2 (2018-06-30) $23,768,000 9.42% 452,632 $49.95
3 2018 - Q1 (2018-03-31) $5,691,000 1.29% 115,242 $50.39
4 2017 - Q4 (2017-12-31) $5,140,000 1.16% 101,102 $47.88
5 2017 - Q3 (2017-09-30) $32,443,000 13.51% 673,302 $47.52
6 2017 - Q2 (2017-06-30) $35,976,000 9.19% 827,322 $41.79
7 2017 - Q1 (2017-03-31) $77,968,000 11.61% 2,073,074 $34.83
8 2016 - Q4 (2016-12-31) $82,021,000 11.33% 2,703,394 $33.46
9 2016 - Q3 (2016-09-30) $72,531,000 4.88% 2,017,834 $35.14
10 2016 - Q2 (2016-06-30) $59,818,000 4.11% 1,803,104 $31.88
11 2016 - Q1 (2016-03-31) $38,810,000 2.37% 1,259,464 $28.57
12 2015 - Q4 (2015-12-31) $42,913,000 2.16% 1,393,264 $30.23
13 2015 - Q3 (2015-09-30) $5,244,000 0.23% 171,672 $30.18

The displayed share prices are average quarterly stock market prices.

The share numbers are adjusted according to following stock splits:

  1. 2.0000:1.0000 on 2019-09-26

  2. 5.0000:1.0000 on 2011-07-25