Hedge Fund - Avenue Capital

Alexanders Inc (ALX) 

Holding History Records
No. Filing Period Value % of Portfolio Number of Shares Avg. Quarterly Share Price
1 2024 - Q2 (2024-06-30) $8,691,064 8.59% 38,651 $215.46
2 2024 - Q1 (2024-03-31) $8,392,678 7.14% 38,651 $218.06
3 2023 - Q4 (2023-12-31) $8,254,694 12.18% 38,651 $189.24
4 2023 - Q3 (2023-09-30) $7,043,372 6.94% 38,651 $188.66
5 2023 - Q2 (2023-06-30) $7,106,373 9.19% 38,651 $179.90
6 2023 - Q1 (2023-03-31) $7,488,631 14.38% 38,651 $216.39
7 2022 - Q4 (2022-12-31) $8,505,539 13.2% 38,651 $228.15
8 2022 - Q3 (2022-09-30) $8,076,000 15.52% 38,651 $236.25
9 2022 - Q2 (2022-06-30) $8,586,000 13.06% 38,651 $241.44
10 2022 - Q1 (2022-03-31) $9,903,000 4.92% 38,651 $257.64

The displayed share prices are average quarterly stock market prices.