Zai Lab Limited (NASDAQ:ZLAB) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Josh Smiley: Great. Thanks Jack. I’ll start. It’s Josh and then Harald can provide some more detail and color on the question. I think first as it relates to the patient profiles for the initial launch here. We are targeting as part of the broader 170000 gMG patients who could benefit from VYVGART. We’re targeting initially those who are — haven’t responded well to current treatment. And as I say could be in some type of some rescue or flare situation. So I would say without getting into too much detail the majority of the patients are patients who are not naive to treatment. They’ve been treated before. And the goal here of course is to get physicians to get comfortable using the product to have a good initial experience and we know from real-world experience that patients who are exposed to VYVGART who haven’t responded well to other treatments or otherwise are going to show a good response.

And we’re seeing that. Of course, we will expand on the emphasis overtime. But I think initially that’s the majority of patients are those who have already been under care and under some form of pharmacological treatment for gMG. I think as it relates to just the market opportunity then Harald can provide some more comments. I think with all of the programs that we’re participating in with argenx, we’re similarly excited about the commercial opportunity in China for this next wave of indications. So you can tell by our participation that we’re seeing very good need for VYVGART as a treatment option for many of these devastating diseases including, a Thyroid Eye Disease. And we’re excited about the opportunity overtime. But Harald, anything that you’d like to add to that please do.

Harald Reinhart: Yeah. Very little to add here. Thank you, so much for the question. In essence the labeling expansion to other indications is something we coordinate obviously with argenx and there is regulator action there as to what is a reasonable next step to take. Ted is one of the things that we have announced is definitely coming to us and we will start those programs fairly soon. There is discussion about other indications. And we’ve recommitted to doing a myopathy, Myositis study as this includes Dermatomyositis polymyositis patients for which we believe [indiscernible] good options. But there are more indications like that that could also be entertained. And you just heard from Bristol-Myers in the recent press release they had good results in the, Sjögren’s Phase 2 study.

The list is long. We will be selective clearly, but for most of those indications the frequency of the disease in China is just what you see everywhere else. And so we will engage in an appropriate fashion wherever it makes sense for us in the overall list of Autoimmune Diseases that could be tackled with Efgartigimod.

Jack Lin: Thank you.

Josh Smiley: Awesome. Thanks Harald. I think if there are no other questions we can turn it back to, Samantha.

Operator: I am showing no further questions at this time, so I’ll turn back the call to Zai Lab’s, CEO Samantha Du, for closing remarks. Thank you.

Samantha Du: Yeah. Thank you, Operator. I want to thank everyone for taking your time to join us on this call today. We appreciate your support and look forward to updating you again, after the second quarter of 2024. Operator, you may now disconnect this call.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today’s conference call. Thank you all for participating. You may now disconnect your line. Thank you. And have a great day.

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