Google Maps for Windows Phone: Was Google Blocking Windows Phone Users from Google Maps?

Google Inc (GOOG)Google Maps for Windows Phone: This past weekend, there was a bit of an eruption in the tech world when several sources reported that Windows phone users were unable to access Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) Maps.

Early on, Google explained that this was nothing more than a technical glitch in which Internet Explorer, the Windows 8 default browser, was incompatible with Google Maps. Instead of being sent to Google Maps, users were being directed to Google’s homepage.

According to a statement by a Google spokesperson as given to The Next Web, things have been cleared up:

“Today, a Google spokesperson provided The Next Web with a statement indicating that the company intends to remove the redirect that it has in place for Windows Phone users who attempt to access the Google Maps product, ending its practice of sending them to its search homepage.”

While it may appear that Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) was singling out Windows devices, nothing could be further from the truth. The search company has limited access to its Maps application in the past when performance was not up to par, such as on the Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPad and its Opera browser.

Here is Google’s statement to The Next Web:

“We periodically test Google Maps compatibility with mobile browsers to make sure we deliver the best experience for those users.

In our last test, IE mobile still did not offer a good maps experience with no ability to pan or zoom and perform basic map functionality. As a result, we chose to continue to redirect IE mobile users to where they could at least make local searches. The Firefox mobile browser did offer a somewhat better user experience and that’s why there is no redirect for those users.

Recent improvements to IE mobile and Google Maps now deliver a better experience and we are currently working to remove the redirect. We will continue to test Google Maps compatibility with other mobile browsers to ensure the best possible experience for users.”

Although it will be hard to convince some people, it should be noted that this was a product decision made by Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) and has nothing to do with targeting Windows Phone users because of competition within the mobile space.

Are you a Windows phone user? If so, did you run into this problem?

Check back here for more updates on Google Maps for Windows Phone.

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