TotalEnergies SE (NYSE:TTE) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Now as we lowered it because it’s the average of the portfolio. So again, we’re consistent. And there are opportunities, and I hope we’ll be able to announce you smart opportunities in the coming weeks, in the next weeks. So — and again, by the way, we have also in our portfolio Suriname and Namibia. I just described Namibia. Suriname, as you know, is a little more complex, but there was a good news by the end of the year because the Sapakara South appraisal is positive. So we have at least a first pool — oil pool of potential projects. Half of it is confirmed. We are drilling wells on Krabdagu and ran discoveries, 2 wells. I think we have accelerated as well. And I hope that by middle of the year, we’ll be able to confirm that we have the oil pool that we are looking for in Suriname.

So there is also the short-cycle projects. I think this is what has been done in 2022, to accelerate the mobilization of rigs. Angola, in particular, is delivering a lot, Nigeria, Congo. So these are the — because there, we have already some infrastructures, FPSO, so we can build adding wells on the infrastructure. So that’s the way we look at it. So the answer is a super cycle. But what we will not do is investing in expensive oil just because, today, in the short term, the price is good, okay? So this is the second question on Canada. It’s why we think, by the way, that it’s the right time. I don’t know if the market will fully recognize the value, but I’m sure that’s it’s probably the best time to recognize it, so — with the figures that we just announced.

And so, no, we have been — people knows that we want to divest these assets. They are not fitting with the strategy. We make money this year, but this could disappear. So we have the ambition to get a good value out of it. The various acquisition offer we received were not in line with expectations. And so I will say, but we are optimistic about the capacity of the market, which is, for us, the best way to monetize these assets. And is it a model to roll out other E&P assets? No. It’s a specific model because, again, these assets are high costs. They are not fitting our strategy. And we are not the best shareholder. But the reality, there is a potential to grow in these assets. Surmont is a very high-quality assets. Fort Hills suffered, but could deliver more.

But we are not the best ones because we don’t want to put CapEx. Why should we keep in our portfolio assets on which we are not the best shareholder? But the other assets, which we have in our portfolio, we are very happy shareholders. So in particular, I’m quite happy to have directly access to the cash of all the North Sea assets in TotalEnergies today.

Operator: The next question is from Irene Himona of Societe Generale.

Irene Himona: My first question is on the balance sheet. You obviously enjoy an exceptional balance sheet already with only 7% gearing. And you seem to want to strengthen it further with reference to reaching AA credit rating. I wonder what is the real significance of a AA credit rating, please? And then my second question on LNG sales, up very strongly last year, 22% in Q4. You’re still selling Yamal cargos, obviously. Can you let us know, please, how are you getting paid exactly in the middle of these sanctions?

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