Top 5 Most Respected Countries in Europe

In this article, we will take a look at the top 5 most respected countries in Europe. If you wish to see our detailed analysis, you can go to Top 20 Most Respected Countries in Europe.

5. Sweden

Human Development Index: 0.947

Human Freedom Index: 8.9

Sweden is one of the most respected countries located in Europe. The Human Development Index for Sweden is 0.947. According to the Human Freedom Index for 2023, the country recorded a score of 8.9, the fifth-highest score among all other countries.

4. Denmark

Human Development Index: 0.948

Human Freedom Index: 9.04

The Human Development Index for Denmark is 0.948. According to the Human Freedom Index for 2023, the country recorded a score of 9.04 and has the third human freedom rank globally. Hence, Denmark ranks as one of the most respected European countries.

3. Iceland

Human Development Index: 0.959

Human Freedom Index: 8.9

Iceland is another respected country in Europe. The Human Development Index for Iceland is 0.959. According to the Human Freedom Index for 2023, the country recorded a score of 8.9 and has the seventh rank among all other countries.

2. Norway

Human Development Index: 0.961  

Human Freedom Index: 8.59

The Human Development Index for Norway is 0.961. According to the Human Freedom Index for 2023, the country recorded a score of 8.59 and has the tenth rank globally.

1. Switzerland

Human Development Index: 0.962

Human Freedom Index: 9.01

Switzerland ranks at the top of the most respected countries in Europe. The Human Development Index for the country is 0.962. According to the Human Freedom Index for 2023, the country ranks first on human freedom among all other countries, with a score of  9.01.

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