Top 5 Green Hydrogen Companies In The World

3. Linde plc (NYSE:LIN)

Total Market Cap (As of November 22): $165.3B

Founded in Germany, domiciled in Dublin, and headquartered in the UK, Linde plc (NYSE:LIN) is a global multinational chemical company and is the largest industrial gas company in the world by total market share and revenue. The company specializes in the manufacture and distribution of atmospheric gases, like oxygen, nitrogen, and argon, and process gases like helium and green hydrogen. Linde plc (NYSE:LIN) has a global customer base which is diversified across various industries, like steel making, food, beverage carbonation, material handling equipment, and healthcare. As of the third quarter of 2022, 58 hedge funds hold stakes in Linde plc (NYSE:LIN), the largest stakeholder being Ian Simm’s Impax Asset Management. In Q3 2022, the company generated a total revenue of $8.8 billion.

Linde plc (NYSE:LIN) is a member of the Hydrogen Council. The company has projected that hydrogen vehicles are likely to compete with electric vehicles by 2035, and has invested in wind powered plants that convert water to hydrogen. As of November 2022, the company has commenced production of green hydrogen on a massive scale in Greece, France, and other European countries. Green hydrogen production is being carried out via electrolysis using renewable wind and solar power, thereby minimizing the company’s carbon footprint. The company has also announced plans to invest in steam reformation production methods, which catalyzes the conversion of natural gas to green hydrogen. The announcement follows company plans to increase green hydrogen production in the United States via a 35-megawatt Proton Exchange Membrane electrolyzer. This plant is expected to operate full throttle by 2025.

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