Top 5 CBI Programs for Tax Benefits

In this article, we take a look at the top 5 CBI programs for tax benefits . For a detailed and comprehensive market analysis, go to the Top 15 CBI Programs for Tax Benefits.

5. North Macedonia

Personal Income Tax: 10%

Minimum Investment: Approx. $220,000

Ranking among the top 5 tax-friendly CBI programs on our list, North Macedonia imposes a relatively low tax rate of 10% applied to diverse income sources, encompassing income from labor, self-employment, royalties, rental earnings, and other taxable sources.

4. Montenegro

Personal Income Tax: 9%

Minimum Investment: Approx. $110,000

Montenegro is known for its competitive tax environment, offering relatively low tax rates when compared to many other European nations. This has made it an attractive destination for investors and businesses seeking favorable fiscal conditions. The advantageous tax policies have played a role in Montenegro’s growing reputation as a business-friendly and economically viable destination.

3. St. Kitts & Nevis

Personal Income Tax: 0

Minimum Investment: $250,000

St. Kitts & Nevis is a jurisdiction known for its absence of personal income tax. This means that individuals who reside in or earn income within this Caribbean nation are not subject to personal income tax. This tax advantage has led to St. Kitts & Nevis becoming a favored destination for individuals seeking to reduce their tax liabilities and maintain financial privacy.

2. Vanuatu

Personal Income Tax: 0

Minimum Investment: $130,000

Vanuatu, a South Pacific island nation, also follows a tax structure that does not include personal income tax. This means that individuals who live in or derive their income from Vanuatu are not obligated to pay taxes on their personal earnings. This tax-friendly environment has contributed to Vanuatu’s appeal as a destination for those looking for a low-tax or tax-free living situation in a picturesque setting.

1. Antigua & Barbuda

Personal Income Tax: 0

Minimum Investment: $100,000

Much like Vanuatu and St. Kitts & Nevis, individuals residing and earning income in Antigua & Barbuda enjoy the advantage of being exempt from personal income taxes. Antigua & Barbuda claims the top position on our list of tax-friendly CBI programs, primarily attributed to its comparatively modest investment requirements. This fiscal advantage, combined with the nation’s stunning natural beauty and vibrant culture, makes Antigua & Barbuda a highly attractive destination for those seeking not only financial benefits but also a rich and rewarding lifestyle.

You can also take a look at our articles 20 Best Residency by Investment Programs in 2023 & 10 Fastest Residency by Investment Programs in the World.