Top 5 AI Tools Cooler Than ChatGPT

4. Soundraw

Average Score: 4.6

Soundraw is a cutting-edge AI-generated music software designed to enable users to unleash their musical creativity. Through the selection of various prompts, users can shape their own unique compositions. These prompts encompass elements such as duration, tempo, energy, mood, genre, and theme, offering a vast array of choices to explore. 

While some users have observed certain similarities in the outcomes, it’s essential to recognize that AI software is continually evolving and being refined by developers. Consequently, changes and improvements are expected over time. It’s worth noting that with new AI software, there may occasionally be crossovers or initial limitations. However, these early stages of development often prove valuable in identifying and addressing any drawbacks. As AI technology advances, Soundraw continues to provide an innovative platform for users to create personalized, high-quality music that matches their artistic vision.