Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN) Q3 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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So, we continue to bring a lot of the patients and the primary source of our patients at least all this since we launched it in 2021 seems to be coming from the stimulant segment, as well as of course with folks who are not satisfied with the other non-stimulants in the marketplace. So, all-in-all, looks like the source of the business is coming from different areas of the market. So, we’re not only seen as one treatment option in non-stimulant, but we’re drawing in a lot of stimulant usage. We don’t believe the Adderrall shortage, for example, which many people have asked us about a lot of the shortages in the immediate release product and so forth, actually maybe the wrong patient profile we’re looking at here. So, we completely focus on selling our product based on the merits of our product and we want the right patients to be on our product because if you have the wrong patients, they may not end up being fulfilled with the product that we have because it’s a wrong product for what they’re looking for.

And then finally on GOCOVRI, regarding the narrative of the positioning, it is actually one of the unique issues and the attractiveness of GOCOVRI in the marketplace and Parkinson’s, the fact that we can treat both of episode and dyskinesia. And what we’re finding out is that among physicians whether they’re movement disorder specialists or neurologists who are very well entrenched in the Parkinson’s space and they’re well versed about treating Parkinson’s and then you have the general neurologists. There are differences in how they treat, there are differences in how they look at dyskinesia. Everybody pretty much treats off. That’s the most common thing obviously, but not every physician is as attentive or every patient is as well spoken about their issues and really raise the issues with their physicians about dyskinesia and other things.

So, it takes a lot of market education, which we’ve been doing a lot since we took over the product, and really helping folks understand the dynamics between both the fact that they don’t have to have a trade-off between treating off and dyskinesia and they can treat both at the same time. But it does require a change in habits and these things do take time. They take frequency by our sales force to continue hammer that message and the importance of looking at the condition of the patient, not just of episodes or not just dyskinesia, but you could actually treat both and look at the overall condition and the overall status of the patient. So, it’s a work-in-progress. We’re pretty pleased with the continued solid growth of the business. Clearly we’re doing the right things and it’s resonating with physicians and we continue to grow the brand.

Jack Padovano: Great. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. And I am seeing no further questions in the queue. I would now like to turn the conference back to Jack Khattar for closing remarks.

Jack Khattar: Thank you. In concluding our call this afternoon, I would like to emphasize that Qelbree’s and GOCOVRI’s growth are our top priority. We’re excited about Qelbree’s momentum, as well as GOCOVRI’s performance and continued growth since the completion of the Adamas acquisition. We look forward to building on the momentum and finishing the year strong. I would like to thank all our employees for delivering a solid quarter with record revenues for Supernus and look forward to updating everyone on our next call.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you all for participating. You may now disconnect and have a pleasant day.

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