SomaLogic, Inc. (NASDAQ:SLGC) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

Kyle Mikson: Yeah. Hi. Thanks guys. Thanks for taking the questions. Congrats to Adam. Good afternoon. So let me just ask one, I guess for Troy here about kind of like the why now and then — and why now is at the right time for this evolution, these board additions as well? You mentioned there was not enough season market leaders. The company performance has been not spectacular, but not really terrible either. So just given that trajectory you were seeing, like what are the main areas you want the company to improve on going forward? Whether that’s profitability, the account productivity, or diversifying the customer base? I guess basically like what was not going up to your guys’ standards and what will the company be laser-focused on kind of going forward? Thanks.

Troy Cox: Kyle, it’s Troy. Our announcements are grounded on, we want to do the most with the resources and assets that we have and at the center of that is something really special. There’s a special sauce with regards to our technology at SomaLogic and then and particularly how we advance that technology going forward. So we have a great deal of confidence in our business and I’ve personally seen Adam take the reins from mid last year and you’ll see that if you look at our corporate deck, how he’s moved the needle on the key metrics and indeed the cycle, the sales cycle time, it can be lengthy, but Adam has done all the right things and has helped bend those curves in terms of bringing on new customers and pulling on our land and expand strategy. In terms of the strategies of how to grow the company going forward, Adam has a clear plan for that and I’ll turn it over to him.

Adam Taich: Sure, yeah. Thanks Troy. Yeah, Kyle, I think the strategy, it’s fairly straightforward for us in terms of growth here. Really when you think about it from a short term perspective, we’ve got to execute, right? So we had arguably too many priorities, and we were spreading ourselves fairly thin. We’ve got an incredibly talented and passionate employee base. At the same time, if everyone’s working on seven to 10 programs, it’s tough to do any of them well. So we’ve made significant shift there and we’ve really focused on far fewer set of priorities focused on serving our life sciences customers. The second thing is really continue to build out and strengthen that commercial foundation. I touched on that earlier in terms of where we’re expanding geographically and I also touched on what we need to be doing to really support our customers in both that pre-sales and post-sales journey.

And lastly, from a strategic perspective that gives us the confidence is expanding our offering. So we’ve got the authorized sites program up and running. A great pipeline to be getting those sites installed, giving customers the convenience of either sending in samples to us in or running the SomaScan array in the comfort of their own labs, as well as what we’re doing with Illumina, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention, because there’s been a heck of a lot of hard work going, frankly, for years here at SomaLogic to launch the 10-K SomaScan assay by the end of this year, which will continue to extend our market leadership as it relates to content, which we are highly confident will provide greater discoveries for our customer base.

Kyle Mikson: Okay, that was great. Thanks guys. And then Adam, just one for you on yeah, I’m just kind of wondering would you have to make any structural changes, I guess, to the company as a stands today in order to kind of enable and potentially accelerate the decentralized kids strategy? And then related to that, is there any update on the diagnostics, strategic alternative strategy that was announced a few months ago?

Adam Taich: I think it relates to the structural changes. Those are well in flight, those are consistent with what we — what we mentioned at the end of last year or maybe in advance of JPMorgan meeting. We’re going to focus on the life sciences side of our business. So we have pivoted the organization fairly firmly in a way that’s focused on serving both that customer base commercially as well as ensuring that the innovations, the products that we’ve got in our R&D pipeline and product management pipeline are all focused really on that life sciences core set of customers. As it relates to the DX side, yeah, I think as we mentioned, we were going to explore strategic options there and we did that and at this point, we don’t intend to formally spin out our DX platform.

It’s absolutely critical to the continuum and the needs of many of our biopharma life sciences customers, and it’s a key differentiator for us. So we want to be able to continue to support their needs on that entire journey from discovery all the way through translational clinical.