SelectQuote, Inc. (NYSE:SLQT) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Tim Danker: Pat, I might pile on, this is Tim. One more thing, Pat, just to pile on here. We’ve grown the business to the point of cash flow generation. I’ve done that for four consecutive quarters. That was really a goal that we set out for the business, going to reach that inflection point. We’re definitely happy to take that consumer demand. I mean third quarter was very strong for us, but we’re going to balance that with managing margins and profitability. We would expect and we’ll provide more visibility in our fiscal ’25 guide here in August. But just to double down on what Ryan said. I mean we do believe that — on a long-term basis, we can progress margins into the low to mid-teens on a significant, as you can see, a growing amount of revenue and feel like we’re building a lot of embedded profit potential in that business right now.

Pat McCann: And then I guess I wanted to stay with health care services here for a second. Just because I know that you’re looking at ways to broaden your offerings there, of course, the SelectRx business is the key asset at this point. But I’m wondering, could you talk about any areas you’re looking at to expand that segment of the business?

Bob Grant: Yes, absolutely. We are constantly kind of on the look and are launching into some new areas that we’re not going to share too much at this time. But most of them or all of them are very adjacent to our pharmacy business and focusing on complex multiple chronic customers that we feel like are very underserved today, especially more rural-based. So, we feel really strong about the research we’ve done and ultimately, what we are doing as to what those adjacent services are that they’ll add not only a ton of value to the consumer, but also a ton of value to our carrier partners as we can drive costs down through better health care literacy, better connection, all of those things. And we believe that those will also have strong impacts on retention just like we’ve seen in the Rx business. So, we feel really good about kind of where we are, but more importantly, where we’re going as we expand the things we can do for customers.

Tim Danker: Yes. I would just add to that, Pat. I mean Bob has done a really good job leading this for the company. You can see the rapid growth in terms of Rx. I think it underscores, right? There’s real consumer demand. We’ve got customers with real needs. We’re leveraging our core capabilities and customer acquisition, customer engagement, logistics, we think driving immediate value into health care. So more to follow, as Bob said, but the great thing is we’ve got a lot of consumers that have a lot of underlying needs that we think that we can impact. We’ve got the data, the process and the engagement to be able to act on this. So, we think this is a great first chapter and many more to come.

Pat McCann: And if I could just ask one more question, sort of a general question. If you — looking back at the annual enrollment period and the open enrollment period that that we’re coming out of. And then with CMS rules, thinking about the upcoming AEP and OEP, — do you have any — could you comment at all on sort of the shopping environment that we’re coming out of versus what you might expect we would go into and what implications that might have for your performance going forward on the senior segment.

Bob Grant: Yes. It was interesting. Everybody — most people thought it would kind of be a soft environment last year. Yet some carriers made some key investments that really helped, and that created a really what we think is a strong environment for us. We believe that the same thing will kind of hold through this next year, even though there’s a general kind of pullback and there are some profitability questions from carriers, last time we saw that happen, carrier stability from some of the main players that have been there for a long time, kind of they took market share back while some carriers that grew, pulled back a little bit, and that created a little bit more of a, I’d say, higher close rate environment for us. So, we feel really, really good about that and feel strong about where that will take us. Even though we do think there’ll be a general kind of pullback by some carriers that are struggling a little bit on unit profitability in the short term.

Operator: We have no further questions. So, I’ll turn the call back over to Tim Danker for any closing comments.

Tim Danker: Great. Well, thanks again to everyone for joining today. I hope you can tell from our comments, we are very excited about the future for SelectQuote. We feel we are very well positioned to drive shareholder value both immediately and the years ahead, both in our insurance distribution platform and health care service businesses. So, we look forward to sharing more in the quarter ahead as we start planning for our next fiscal year. We want to thank you again for your support, and we look forward to talking to you soon. Have a good day.

Operator: This concludes today’s call. Thank you for joining. You may now disconnect your lines.

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