Sage Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SAGE) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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In an essence, it takes a very complicated patient type and makes it far simpler to manage it historically what they may have had at their disposal. So, an incredible excitement around that, which then shapes the conversation on proactive value it experiments. I think in and around the second question around payer types, we’re going to work with all different payer types regardless of the mix that they see to come up with solutions and making sure that Zuranolone is accessible at launch and again to really build on that understanding of unmet need and what Zuranolone can deliver from what we’ve seen in the data so far from what

Salveen Richter: Thank you.

Operator: Moving next to Anupam Rama from JPMorgan.

Anupam Rama: Hey, guys. Thanks so much for taking the question. Maybe expanding on some of your comments in the introductory remarks here, but how are you thinking about sort of the initial ramp curve in PPD? And what are some of the pre-commercial

Barry Greene: The overall approach to PPD and how we’re educating in appropriate science we exchanged OBGYN and others.

Chris Benecchi: Yes, so as you might imagine, there’s a lot of focus on PPD within the organization. If you pick up the newspaper where you go online, you see that just like MDD, there is a significant normal crisis credit with moms from the most part of depression that we’re talking about 500,000 or so cases of PPD on an annual basis, so one in eight so it’s absolutely paramount that we continue to do the work that we’re doing in and around working with OBGYN and other prescribers that also see patients that are suffering from PPD to help understand the importance of diagnosis or screening and diagnosis. And subsequently, the opportunity that a new therapy potentially in light Zuranolone offers to them as it would be the first and only FDA approved oral therapy for the treatment of postpartum depression.

And we believe that through the permitted scientific exchange that’s happening right now through medical affairs team and whether it could congresses or one on one interactions with key opinion leaders, we’re going to continue to heighten the sensitivity and urgency around the need to treat moms that are suffering with PPD. And we believe that that community, the OBGYN community will be ready at the launch of the product. And we’ll be — we’ll happily receive Zuranolone, as I said, as the first and only oral therapy FD that FDA approves

Barry Greene: Yes. And just around that out, Anupam, when you launch a readily available oral medication like Zuranolone is approved. This is exactly the kind of paradigm shift that happens in medicine. As Chris mentioned, about 0.5 million moms per year are reported to have PPD, less than 20% of those are diagnosed, even lesser are treated. That’s really because of the challenging to get diagnostic treatment, when you have an agent like Zuranolone that works quickly with a 14-day regimen, we see the opportunity for physicians to look more rapidly for the diagnosis of PPD and certainly diagnostic paradigm is indeed less PPD.

Operator: Ritu Baral from Cowen. Your line is open.

Ritu Baral: Good morning, guys. Thanks for the update today. I wanted to just ask about the SHORELINE data contained in the submission. Can you guys confirm that what we have in the public domain is sort of the extent of the SHORELINE follow-up and retreatment data contained in the dual NDA? And can you give us any color as to what will be presented additionally from SHORELINE mid-year? Thanks.

Barry Greene: Yes. Thanks, Ritu. Jim, you want to take that?

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