PSQ Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:PSQH) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Michael Seifert: And it’s one we’re certainly passionate about because the servicing of local communities is really how we got our start and it will always be core to our DNA moving forward. Two answers I’ll give you right off the bat. Number one is I mentioned earlier in this call about our town hall series. We love the town hall series because it allows us to get into local communities, meet with elected officials or community leaders that are standing for our values and want to champion those values with us. And it also gives us a great opportunity for local media coverage. So for example, we went to Indiana and we did a town hall with Congressman Jim Banks and Donald Trump Junior. And we got to hear the stories of small businesses in these communities of Indiana that would share their challenges, but also their triumphs.

And we had 11 different local media hits after that one town hall evening. We just went to Pensacola two weeks ago and experienced a similar, media coverage that expanded both locally and nationally. These things are helpful because it really sets us as a known entity in local communities around the country, and we anticipate doing a whole lot more of those as we head into 2024. But the bigger effort that we’re continuing to grow is our ambassador program. And so our ambassador program is our way that we have boots on the ground in local communities. We have well over 600 ambassadors on the company currently that are basically supercharged volunteers. They’ve got our merch, they’ve got our swag. They’re around the country and their local communities inviting local businesses to join the platform.

And it allows for consumers when they go to the PublicSquare platform to have a very unique differentiated marketplace experience where you can actually tell us what you want. What are you looking for? Are you looking for coffee? Are you looking for jeans? We’ll show you options that you can purchase directly right there online or we’ll show you a local solution where you can drive five miles down the road and get a cup of coffee. That’s a unique experience that Amazon, Temu or other marketplaces like SE do not have. They don’t have an ability to connect you with your local community. We think it’s a strong differentiator moving forward and we appreciate the opportunity to service those local communities. So in recap, events in local communities like our town hall series are a very exciting way of us getting out into the community onto Main Street in a greater capacity.

And our ambassador program, marketing on the local level through the help of super consumers that believe in the PublicSquare mission and want to share that far and wide and have incentive to do so, those are our two kind of pinnacle ways that we’re going to reach local communities at greater capacity over the course of the next nine months and going forward.

William Kent : Thanks again for your question. We’ll take one more question here from the Say Tech platform. Brett S asked as a shareholder and on your company platform, I’d like to know when your platform will allow companies to log into their company portal and make edits and changes. The current method is to email one of your customer service representatives with the select changes, and will these things become more automated?

Michael Seifert: Anytime you’ve got feature or functionality questions, please fire them away. We love to talk to our members about what features they are wanting to prioritize. So, great question. The answer is imminently. The reason that we’ve prioritized the consumer onboarding experience is because, obviously, the best way we can help businesses at the end of the day is by driving more consumers toward them. And anytime we have a new feature trade off, we always want to make sure that we’re prioritizing the option that will lead to the greatest growth of the platform holistically and will service as many members as possible. Well that’s why we ultimately chose to say, you know what? Let’s really dive into the transaction experience and the integration of e-commerce.

Then next on the docket, we handle business onboarding, business continuity, the ability for businesses to adjust and manage their profiles to actually in an automated fashion, pay for advertising, which is very exciting. So one of our features coming this year actually is the ability to automate your ad experience as a business vendor to set your own budget and let your advertisement fly to a group of consumers that are values aligned and excited to see your business. So in recap, the answer is one of our next priorities imminent on the agenda is our servicing of the business community through more technological advancements to the platform. Finally, one more thing is, obviously, one of the synergies we anticipate with Credova is the ability for Credova to be a service not only to the consumer conversion process but also to the businesses.

So for a business to actually link Credova to their storefront and experience the conversion uppage that is likely through that tool is a great way that we can experience one of the synergies we mentioned. I hope that’s helpful. Back to you, Will.

William Kent : Thank you, Michael. And with that last question, we’ll conclude the call today. Really do appreciate everyone’s participation and interest in PublicSquare. Thank you so much. Thank you, operator.

Operator: Thank you for attending today’s conference. We hope you have a wonderful day. You may now disconnect.

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