Pfizer Inc. (PFE), GlaxoSmithKline plc (ADR) (GSK), AbbVie Inc (ABBV): Will This HIV Triumph Change History?

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Researchers will now have to establish exactly how this child was cured before others can be helped. A standard protocol that can be widely adopted has to be determined through clinical trials, and both the optimal administration times and best combination of drugs must be established. One of the major disappointments of this revelation is that a widespread cure for HIV-positive adults remains elusive. Aside from one rare case, there have been no other reported instances of patients who have been cured to date.

What are the implications?
Clearly, the impact of this discovery could be monumental. While the World Health Organization reports that an HIV-positive woman on antiretroviral medications can reduce the chance of passing the disease on to her child to below 5%, more than 300,000 infants were infected at birth last year. Less than 0.06% of those children were born in the United States, but the only way to eventually eradicate this virus is to see that number go to zero.

Investors who have followed this story are undoubtedly excited by this breakthrough, but, as my colleague David Williamson noted in a recent interview, it’s important not to confuse a public health achievement with an opportunity. The lasting impact of this amazing discovery is the possibility of curing newborns and making strides toward the eradication of HIV.

The article Will This HIV Triumph Change History? originally appeared on and is written by Max Macaluso, Ph.D.

Max Macaluso, Ph.D. has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends Gilead Sciences.

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