OppFi Inc. (NYSE:OPFI) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

Todd Schwartz: Yes. Specifically, we’re looking at early indicators. Like, we have a lot of history from the 10 years of operating that €“ our level of confidence in our early indicators. And similarly in July, when we made one of the largest credit adjustments in the company history, we kind of used early indicators to determine future forecast and profitability and gross charge-offs. So our early indicators are very favorable. Obviously, we do realize the environment right now is a little €“ there is a little volatility out there in the economy. But we feel really good that the credit adjustments that we’ve tested into, made and now, fully deployed, and continue to refine and improve, were the right ones. And our level of confidence is growing as the year goes on.

Chris Brendler: Okay, great. That’s helpful. I just wanted to ask also on the front end of the business, the competitive environment sort of when you guys first came public, it was a very strange macroenvironment where demand was artificially low. And I assume that’s changed dramatically in the last 18 months. But I think as you look into €˜23, it feels like you’re OppFi should be a good spot from a competition perspective, like probably more loan volume they can handle. But just given the offset of what’s happening on the credit front, how do you balance those two? And what does that mean from a net basis on the origination growth outlook? Thanks.

Todd Schwartz: Yes. I mane, we’re not €“ by no means, we are not loosening credit. That’s pretty certain. What we have found, though, is with predictive attribute sets, you can make customers look low risk and we’ve tested into that. And that is looking accurate. On the growth side, though, we see less competition. There is been a couple of players non-public, one public player, I won’t mention any names, that’s gone private. And then there is been some more regional players that are not showing up as frequently and maybe dealing with some balance sheet issues as well. So we feel like we’re in a really strong position. We are the leader in our space, in our credit bands, and we feel really confident. And also, I mentioned this couple of times, but seeing the largest percentage of low-risk customers that we’ve seen historically.

Chris Brendler: Okay. And one more as I have you is just new Castlelake facility was disclosed in December, any color around the terms of pricing? Sort of how you came to close that deal? Obviously, a pretty impressive transaction in this macroenvironment. And I hope it speaks to the confidence that not only you, but they have in your credit performance, would be great to hear.

Todd Schwartz: Yes, it’s on the same terms as our other facility. Obviously, interest rate increases are real, and it’s something we’re watching closely. But that’s on all facilities with floating rate based off SOFR. But as far as the terms go, LTV terms and flexibility, it’s substantially the exact same.

Chris Brendler: Great. Thanks, Todd.

Operator: There are no further questions in the queue. And now, management will answer your questions submitted via the webcast.

Shaun Smolarz: Why was the corporate share repurchase program not utilized in the fourth quarter?