Oncolytics Biotech Inc. (NASDAQ:ONCY) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Thomas Heineman: No, no, I think that covers the I think the and the bottom line is that by exploring pela in combination with both of the backbone chemotherapies that are commonly used in this population, it provides an opportunity to treat the ultimately the broadest range of patients and to give physicians the most flexibility possible and best option for all pancreatic cancer patients.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay, very helpful. And quickly on the data that you think represents at ASCO coming up, this Phase 1/2 trial with mFOLFIRINOX. I’m curious the from where this data drives and what maturity of data should we expect here and I guess the data cutoff date we might be presenting the data?

Matthew Coffey: So just to be clear, the poster presentation that we’ll have at ASCO related to the modified FOLFIRINOX study is a trial in progress poster in which we outline the details of the study that is currently well, that will, at that time be currently enrolling, right. So there will be no data from that study presented at ASCO at this meeting.

Unidentified Analyst: Got it. Thanks for clarifying. I’ll pass it on.

Matthew Coffey: Operator, is there another question, operator. Well, if there’s no further questions, I just want to thank everyone for participating in today’s call and for following Oncolytics development. We’re optimistic about the potential propeller to make a big difference in the lives of cancer patients. And I look forward to updating you on our progress throughout the year. And I wish everyone a great evening. Thanks so much.

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