MacroGenics, Inc. (NASDAQ:MGNX) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Scott Koenig: As you know, we’ve been very high on the opportunities that have been afforded us by these additional licensing deals with Synaffix, originally having access to three linker toxin combinations for specific targets that we expanded for four additional targets, so . The preclinical development is going exceptionally well. As we’ve pointed out on an earlier call, we intend to file an IND in the fourth quarter this year with the first of these new agents. And at this point, it’s all forward on the next one. And you know, again, without getting precision here, we’re trying to target for late ‘24 for the second one as we are building additional molecules going forward. You should be assured that many of these molecules will include a topoisomerase linker toxin the opportunity.

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Shay Simin with Barclays.

Shay Simin: This is Shay on for Peter Lawson. Maybe first, just quickly on the vobra duo and lorigerlimab combo. It sounds like you’re still finding the right go forward dose here, maybe that is not till 2024. But could you give a little more color on what’s built into there, is that the room to go dose escalate higher or is this more about finding the right balance from a safety perspective?

Scott Koenig: As noted before, we want to have both combinations that give the safety and activity that we think that can be achieved in both an additive or a potential synergistic way. And so we could envision that these could be both. In terms of, let’s say, lorigerlimab, which we start at 6 mgs/kg, we didn’t expect to go higher on lorigerlimab. So the opportunity was to keep that or going lower and the same story with vobra. As you know, we are exploring 2 and 2.7 in the current study. And given the potential here for synergy here on activity, there is also an opportunity that you may be able to even lower the doses from the historical use of this drug at 3 mgs/kg. And as you know, we started initially at 1 mg/kg in the first cohort going forward. So where we end up at this point we don’t know and until we have that precision, we won’t go forward into the expansion studies.

Shay Simin: And just a last quick question, considering the removal of the control arm for vobra duo and prostate. I guess, how are you thinking now about your registrational strategy moving forward?

Scott Koenig: As you know, this is a changing landscape where we sit right now with coming on board recently, we want to see how far that use of that drug is. And in various lines of therapy, we want to see other combinations. It was brought up earlier on this call about the use of PARP inhibitors. So we are right now going to look at the landscape when we’ve completed and selected the doses for vobra going forward and we’ll see what the appropriate control. One could envision a specific control or one of several that investigators get to choose from. But we’re right not ready yet to make that decision.

Operator: Thank you. I would like to turn the conference back over to Jim Karrels for any further or closing remarks.

Scott Koenig: Thank you, operator. This is Scott Koenig. I want to thank everybody who participated in this call today. We appreciate and look forward to updating you on our future studies on the next call.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for participating. You may now disconnect.

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