Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:LXRX) Q3 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Lonnel Coats: Thank you, Yas. Appreciate your questions.

Operator: Thank you. The next question comes from Joseph Stringer of Needham & Company. Please go ahead.

Joseph Stringer: Hi, thanks for taking our questions., Two from us. First one, I’m just curious if you can give us your updated thoughts on any potential partnership discussions or sota and HF. Are those still ongoing or active? And then the second question on 9211, just given sort of the unique mechanism of action of that compound. And now that you have some early signals from the DPN trial, would there be any plans to explore other types of pain indications outside of DPN that you could look at? Thanks for taking our questions.

Lonnel Coats: Two great questions. Let me turn them over to Jeff.

Jeff Wade: Yes. So our plan for surgical placement and heart failure is to get through the FDA process and then we can revisit the outside of the U.S. partnership opportunities. So that’s with respect to the first question. And the second we do have preclinical data across multiple different types of neuropathic pain and models of neuropathic pain. And so we do think that there are other opportunities we’re evaluating what we may want to pursue. The other little element of that that I thought I would probably bring up, just to be sure you’re aware of, is that we did present data just recently in spasticity a couple of different types of spasticity where we have preclinical data. One was in multiple sclerosis related spasticity and the other in spinal cord injury spasticity.

Obviously, there are connections between spasticity and pain particularly as it relates to how that operates with the nerves. So there is as we’re thinking about the opportunity for LX9211 more generally, we’re evaluating additional pain states to expand the label. But more generally, there’s a pretty significant opportunity across CNS potentially for LX9211.

Joseph Stringer: Great. Thanks for taking my questions.

Lonnel Coats: Thanks, Joe.

Operator: Thank you. There are no further questions at this time. Please continue with closing remarks.

Lonnel Coats: Well, thank you everyone for joining us on the call. And we also appreciate your continued support. So let me close out by summarizing our key milestones. First, we’ve had what I consider to be a successful mid-cycle review meeting with the FDA for our new drug application for sotagliflozin heart failure. We remain track for our PDUFA date, May 2023, and we plan to launch sotagliflozin and heart failure approved in the first half of 2023. So this is a big moment for the company and we’re making the investments to make it real for our investors. Secondly, the final results for the relief DPN study will be presented this Monday, November 14. I really encourage any and all who are interested on just how unique this compound is to perhaps maybe tune into that.

That will be at the 16th Annual Pain Therapeutic Summit in Washington, DC And so we will have a lot more data to present and some a lot more color we can put to it when we have our conference call following that meeting. A lot going on here at Lexicon. We’re very proud of where we are. We have good momentum and we look forward to communicating with you as we have more call outs. On that note, thank you again for joining us today.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this does conclude the conference call for today. We thank you for your participation and ask that you please disconnect your lines.

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